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With the interface for running MAGICC6 on our servers, you have a simple 3-step process to generate your own climate scenario output. Below, we provide a little bit of help with the choices you have during this three step process;

Step 1: Choosing Emissions

I notice that there isn't any quetsion also I notice the scene involves 3 different kinds of balls tennis ball, soccer ball, and baseball. I notice that you use ounces also there is a balance where the balls are getting weighed on. I also notice that a soccer ball weighs the most then baseball and then tennis ballI wonder why there isn't a quetsion. I also wonder how you can find an equation or an answer.

Wonrdfuel explanation of facts available here.

Upload your own emission scenario

You have the option to upload your own MAGICC emission scenario as an ASCII file. You can either provide only globally aggregate emissions or regional emissions. If you want to put your own emission data into such a scenario input file, see this page of how to create your own .SCEN file .

Step 2: Select Model Settings

You can run MAGICC in two distinct modes, a "standard" one and a "probabilistic" one.

Nothing wrong with beeing a geek but then that's just me. Sometimes you get bednard with a certain clique that is not who you really are, just because you happen to be smart, shy, and scrawny So, I think the most important thing you can do in the summer is to get to know yourself better. Who are you really? Don't think about what other people say or who you feel are cool in school. Figure out what you truly want to do, what music you truly love to listen to regardless of what the cool people are listening to, what you like wearing, what you want to be when you grow up, etc. etc. Then when you are confident in who you are, then you can find cool clothes, shoes, sunglasses, wrist watch, necklace, backpack, etc. that matches your style and not just a mimic of everybody else. Brand name or clothing style is not really what makes somebody cool , it is the way the guy wears the clothes that is the secret ingredient and that's attitude/self-confidence. Of course it matters that the clothes you wear compliment your skin-tone, eye-color, body-shape. But, a lot of times, that's instinctive. When you wear something and look at yourself in the mirror and feel icky, then chances are, it is not a pleasing combination.About the muscles that has nothing to do with being cool . You should exercise/workout to be healthy. And you'll need muscles for strength not to look cool . What people will see is the health emanating from you which is perceived as youth and longevity . You know, like those skinny girls out there, they think being skinny is cool but then they go to extremes and then they just look sickly like Lindsey Lohan at one time And one more tip (from a girl who was the most popular girl in school) what people really dig is not how you look but how you make others feel when they're around you. If you look drop dead gorgeous but you make everybody feel like dirt when they're around you, then they'll just find something to hate about you.Good Luck!

Selecting "Probabilistic" run mode

If you choose the "probabilistic" setting, your selected emission scenarios will be run multiple times by MAGICC, each time with a slightly different parameter setting. The results will not be single temperature or CO2 concentration outcomes for each scenario, but actually uncertainty distributions.

Note: Since probabilistic runs will require the climate model to be run 171 or even 600 times for each scenario, some patience is required. Normally, finishing a probabilistic run will take just a couple of minutes, maybe up to 10min. You will be provided with distributions of key climate outputs for every decade, but not for every year, as under the "standard" runs.

Choose the "multi-model ensemble" probabilistic run mode

If you select this option, we will run your emission scenarios 171 times, with all combinations of 19 AOGCM calibrations and 9 carbon cycle model calibrations. These AOGCMs and carbon cycle models are from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report and belong to the so-called "CMIP3" and "C4MIP" intercomparisons. If you assume that all those 19 AOGCMs and 9 carbon cycle models are equally likely and sampling the full uncertainty space (and there are good reasons, by the way, not to make that assumption), then you can interpret your outcome as a probabilistic distribution of expected future climate change. Otherwise, simply call it what it is: a "multi-model ensemble" without assigning this statistical property to it.

It's spooky how clveer some ppl are. Thanks!

Что-то красивой темы ни одной не нашел) Остаюсь пока на своей;;;;; Цвета(setq default-frame-alist ( ;;(cursor-color . Firebrick ) (cursor-color . White ) (cursor-type . box)  ;;(foreground-color . White )  ;;(background-color . DarkSlateGray ) (foreground-color . White ) (background-color . Black ) (vertical-scroll-bars . right)))p.s.: Интересный блог, только оформление ужасное (размер шрифтов замого контента мал), и комментарии рекомендую через DISQUS сделать.